2010 m. birželio 7 d., pirmadienis

Jeremiah Jae - Eating Donuts & Other Refined Foods (2010)


4 komentarai:

  1. turbūt geriausias ir respektabiliausias man žinomas blogas. tiek turinys, tiek pavadinimas. gaila tik, jog kažko panašaus kitiems stiliams nėra. arba nerandu.

  2. thank u for everything u do, introducing listeners to new artists.... i would not know of half of these artists it it was not for you and what you do.... dont let industry get you down about what you do... thank you from the listeners... thank you from the people that actually care.... thank you from the heart...

  3. Autorius pašalino šį komentarą.
